2020 Homecoming

Links to daily activities:

Monday: Elements Day
Tuesday: Senior Citizen Day
Wednesday: Up in the Air Day
Thursday:Biome Blast
Friday: Black/Gold

Homecoming Game

Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen
% of Participants 100 100 98 99
Crowd Scavenger Hunt 40 70 50 0
4 Square Dodgeball 50 30 10 70
Moo Game 30 10 10 50
Total for Day/Total
220 210 168 219
% of Participants 95 99 95 97
Dress-up Contest 120 30 0 30
Wheelchair Races 70 30 50 10
Cheeseball Toss 10 50 70 30
Total for Day/Total
295/515 209/419 215/383 167/386
% of Participants 99 98 98 98
Dress-up Contest 80 80 0 0
Volley Foosball 70 10 50 10
Barnyard Game 70 30 50 10
Total for Day/Total
319/834 218/637 198/581 118/504
% of Participants 98 100 96 98
Dress-up Contest 30 150 0 0
Blindfold Musical 100 10 0 50
Hungry Hippos 30 50 70 10
Total for Day/Total
258/1092 310/947 166/747 158/662
% of Participants 100 100 100 100
Tug of War Guys 100 50 75 50
Tug of War Girls 100 50 75 50
Total for Day
300 200 250 200
Total for Week
1392 1177 997 862