
Mr. Rick Noorman



Mr. Kyle Bruinooge

Curriculum Director
NT Survey, Worldviews

Mrs. Mary Burchett

Latin l and ll, English 10, Speech and Debate

Mrs. Anne Deemter

Music Assistant, Piano Player for Choir

Miss Alyssa DeVries

American Literature, Journalism,
AP English

Miss Megan DeVries

Business Law, Government, Psychology, US History, World History

Mr. Karl Dykstra

Church History I and II, Cults, New Testament Survey

Mr. Matt Elzinga

Band Instructor
Technology Committee

Mr. Eric Gritters

Choirs, Art I and II

Miss Trisha Haak

English 9, British Literature

Miss Stephanie Holstege

American Literature, English 10, Senior Writing

Mr. Dan Kuiper

Physical Science, Biology, Advanced Biology

Mr. Matt Kuiper

Health, PE

Mr. Joel Minderhoud

Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science



Mr. Trevor Minderhoud

Physical Science B


Mr. Ethan Mingerink

Spanish I, ll, and III

Mr. Jared Noorman

Algebra l and II, Chemistry

Mr. Joel Noorman

Accounting I and II, Economics

Administrative Staff

Mrs. Amy Mol

Office Manager

Mrs. Leah Kuiper

Office Assistant




Mr. Brian Kalsbeek


Mrs. Jennifer Kalsbeek

Counselor Assistant



Mr. Rick DeVries

Assistant Principal, Tech Coordinator
Modern World History, Government,


Mr. Seth Penna


Mr. Eric Phelps


Mr. Eric Pols

Algebra II, AP Statistics, FST

Miss Briana Prins

Algebra C&S, American Literature, Geometry, English 9

Mr. Terry Stevens

Computer Programming

Mr. Travis VanBemmel

Athletic Director
U.S. History, Woodworking

Mr. Jon VanDyk

Facilities Manager, Janitor
Mechanical Drawing, General Applied Technology, Architectual Design, Woodworking

Mr. Dylan VanDyke

Computer Applications, Senior Writing, US History, World History

Mrs. Kristen VanDyke

Biology, Geometry C&S, Anatomy and Physiology

Mr. Brantley VanOverloop

Geometry, FST, Pre-Calculus

Mr. Jon VanOverloop

Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Psychology, Physical Science

Mr. Dan VanUffelen

Church History I and II

Mr. Scott VanUffelen

US History, Church History II, Worldviews, Global Issues

Mrs. Jori Yeong

American Literature, English 10, Psychology, Senior Writing

Special Education

Miss Amanda Haney

Special Education Director

Miss Stephanie Adams

Special Education

Mrs. Nicole Holstege

Special Education

Academic Support

Mrs. Rochelle Heyboer

Academic Support

Miss Lindsey Holstege

Academic Support


Mrs. Heidi Mowery

Academic Support

Mrs. Leah Smidstra

Academic Support



Miss Jenna Hoving

Media Specialist


Staff in Action